Retrieve an issue

At some point it might be a good idea to keep a local copy of the errata information hosted within the errata system. The retrieve command has been designed in the aim of either downloading a specific issue files, a set of specific issues, or the whole lot of issues hosted within the errata system (for archiving purposes for example).


The command takes as arguments a list of UIDs, the JSON file directory and the dataset list file directory the user wishes to use. If ESDOC_HOME environment variable is declared in user’s environment a specific download directory will then be used otherwise, the client uses its own installation directory.


If no UIDs are submitted, all issues are expected.


If no directory is provided, a default directory will be used.

Retrieve the issue

In order to download the issue with IDs xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx:

$> esgissue retrieve --issue esgissue/samples/downloads --dsets esgissue/samples/downloads --id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


The naming convention used in creating the issue related files is issue_<UID>.json and dset_<UID>.txt. If needed we could have specified .json and .txt file in this example since we are downloading a single issue.


Multiple downloads are allowed by listing IDs next to the flag.